Saturday, 29 October 2011

How To Deal With A Skin Tag

There are a lot of ways you can deal with a skin tags. Even though they are not anything for you to worry about from a medical perspective they can catch on your clothes and annoy you due to the way they look. It becomes even more of a concern if they happen to be readily visible and this can be something which you find either embarrassing or distressing.

If this is the case with you then you can make use of various options. Most of them can be done without spending money or taking up too much of your time. You can have them taken away without any notable side effects and it can generally be done very easily without a lot of hassle.

It is possible to deal with the matter in three ways. You may opt to visit a doctor to have the matter addressed. Otherwise there is the option to get a lotion to apply from a pharmacist. You might also want to deal with it yourself.

The most conventional way to deal with a skin tag is to visit your doctor. This is certainly the safest way for the matter to get dealt with and even though it is not something to be overly concerned with it can help to set your mind at ease over the process. It is done using a process that involves freezing it off. It is a quick and painless procedure which can help you deal with the matter directly.

You can also use a wide range of lotions and creams which are generally composed of naturally occurring ingredients to apply to the surface. This will cause them to wither and fall off and this usually happens in a period of days and leaves no scars whatsoever. There are several to choose from and they all get to work in a similar fashion.

Cutting off the blood flow to the tag is one way which has been used for years and is the most common home remedy to use when you are affected by this issue. This is something which many people have been successful with and it is so simple and effective that it has become one of the more common ways that people choose to deal with skin tags.

Tightly tie a piece of string around the tag and this will cut off blood to the tag. This leads to it withering away as time passes. Sometimes this can happen overnight or over a period of days. Generally this is a process which is painless as long as you have tied it with sufficient tightness. No other effort is needed.

You could alternatively try to deal with the skin tag from the comfort of your own home. This is easy to do if you are careful about the approach that you take. The area affected should be as clean as possible. It's also sensible to use scissors which are sharp and to be careful when making the cut. You may encounter minor bleeding but this is nothing for you to worry about as long as the wound is cleaned.

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