Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The Ways To Get Natural Mole Removal Done

There exists a mole on the bodies of majority of the individuals. Till the time they would not generate a particular medical problem, they were never much cared about in the past. However these day's people are very conscious of their looks and want to get the moles removed. They thus tend to look for options that can help them to get rid of their moles.

There are plenty of options available. Having said that, the removal of a mole is considered to be an aesthetic issue. This is the reason why the person getting the mole removed ends up paying for the cost of removal. Mole removal at home is therefore thought to be the best option. It is also less expensive in comparison with the other alternatives. The method of surgical removal of a mole is a lot more expensive. The removal of a single mole by this method costs about two hundred to four hundred dollars.

When one opts for the removal of moles by natural methods, a lot of things normally available at home are used for the same. One of the best natural treatment options is the use of castor oil. The reason behind this being that the FDA has approved one of its derivative for the treatment of skin problems. One can easily get castor oil in any medical shop. A paste is made by mixing baking soda and castor oil. After that the paste is applied on the mole. In order to remove the mole faster, this process needs to be implemented daily. Prior to applying the paste it is necessary to prep the mole. In order to avoid getting any kind of infection, it is advisable to get the equipment used to prep the mole sterilized.

A mole can also be very effectively removed with the help of iodine. It just needs to be applied on the mole and the mole would turn into a scab and eventually fall off. The tea tree oil also works in a similar manner. The mole can be easily removed with its constant application. Aloe Vera is one of the other treatment options that can be used.

Tying the mole is one of the other remedies normally used. A piece of dental floss or thread is tied around the mole. The logic behind this method is that tying the mole would obstruct the flow of blood towards it. This would in the due course lead to the falling off of the mole. The basic disadvantage associated with this method however is that it cannot be used to remove moles that are flat. A thread hanging from the mole on the face would not be a pleasant site to look at. Thus facial moles also cannot be removed by using this method.

Irrespective of the fact that there are plenty of options present with the help of which natural mole removal is possible, one should always get the mole examined before actually getting it removed. This is simply due to the fact that a mole might possibly be cancerous. In case if it is cancerous then it should not be removed by using the natural methods.

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