Friday, 10 February 2012

Removing skin tags

How can skin tags be removed?

The skin tags are cutaneous projections, which might seem awful.

Some people find these skin tags disgusting; thus, they use them as an excuse to steer clear of showing up in public. The need to have these skin tags removed becomes stronger when they appear in visible parts of the body, especially the face. Though it is not cancerous, these benign lesions make your skin less attractive. It is important then to learn how to remove skin tags. Wearing sleeved shirts or tops can be quite difficult if the skin tags appear on the armpit region. This will bring the skin tags in constant contact against the cloth.

How can you remove skin tags with tea tree oil?

Before removing these tags, the region needs to be kept clean. Pat it dry with a clean towel. You don't have to do this procedure if you have just taken a bath. The three things that are mainly required are tea tree oil, a medical tape and sterile cotton. Put a few drops of pure unadulterated tea tree oil on the cotton and rub it against the areas with skin tags. Tape the region with another piece of cotton dipped in tea tree oil. You can expect better results if you do it in this manner. Do this again after several hours. You can repeat this several times in a day. Do it repeatedly until the skin tag loosens and drops off the skin. If it falls off on its own, there will be less pain.

How to remove skin tags using duct tapes?

Cut pieces of duct tape into squares of equal sizes. The skin tags will be covered using these squares. Slowly peel the duct tape off your skin once you feel the skin tag becoming loose. If the duct tape is pulled off quickly, you might encounter some bleeding. You may need to wait two or three days before the tape starts to loosen. The area can be bandaged for at least a day. Expect some soreness around the region for a couple more days.

Now let me tell you how to remove skin tags at home. That can be done through the use of some tools. Scissors that are of the manicure type would be better. If you cut at the stalk region, removing the skin tag will be relatively easier. This is, of course, applicable only in the case of thin stalks. If it is very thick, the scissors cannot be used, as it will lead to extreme pain. You would need to consult a dermatologist for this. You can also use antibiotic ointments to the affected areas. You can also apply some alcohol and gauze in the areas close to the skin tag. Some people might bleed a lot. In such cases, the gauze will be highly useful to stop bleeding. Before using the scissors, it is good to sterilize them using alcohol. These items must be acquired before you start removing the tags.

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